⚡ Introducing Mosaic Swift Pro

Plus: Summarise Long Videos in a Flash

Hi friends,

A special shout out to new subscribers - great to have you here!

In this edition:

  1. Mosaic Swift Pro - accelerate your AI upskilling ⚡

  2. Summarise long videos in a flash 📺️ 

  3. ChatGPT sucks at maths.. or does it? 🧠 


01 — PRO TIP

Introducing Mosaic Swift Pro.
Accelerate your AI upskilling 🚀 

We’re thrilled to share that we’ve just launched a new service aimed at helping your ongoing AI upskilling.

It's called Mosaic Swift Pro and it includes:

  1. Fortnightly 5-10 minute video updates with prompt ideas and the latest from the world of AI.

  2. Office hours: live monthly online sessions where you can join and ask your burning questions.

  3. Our "ChatGPT for Better Work" workshop in 2-10 minute chunks that you can watch or rewatch.

As a special launch offer, get 50% off your first 3 months :)

To redeem:

  1. Head to https://mosaicswift.com/c/pro and click Subscribe

  2. Use the coupon code 3THINGS

Hope to see you there!

Why this matters

We hope you’ll agree - AI is here to stay.

This means it’s not a one-off skill to check off, but a long-term journey of discovery and growth. Mosaic Swift is specifically designed to make this journey fun and easy.

p.s. this special launch offer is only valid until 31st Aug 2024. Don’t miss out!


Summarise long videos in a flash 📺️

AI is awesome for skipping the fluff and getting to the meat of a topic.

If you have a YouTube video you want to watch - but don’t have the time - get ChatGPT to help by analysing the transcript.

Here’s how:

  1. Expand the video description

  1. Click “Show transcript”

  1. Scroll up to the Transcript area and select the whole transcript text (click and drag down, then copy to your clipboard)

  1. Paste the ENTIRE transcript into ChatGPT with the following prompt (tweak as needed)

Prompt: The following is the transcript from a YouTube video. Please provide a high-level summary of it and then ask for followup questions.



Why this matters

Some of the best content on the internet is hidden in YouTube videos. However, videos are often long - with lots of padding.

The above technique helps you get the content that matters most to you.

It can also help you determine whether a video is worth watching at all!


ChatGPT sucks at maths.. or does it? 🧠 

Long-time subscriber Gary recently emailed us:

ChatGPT can make some really simple math errors. Once I pointed it out - it admitted the mistake and then did the thing correctly.

This is the second time this has happened to me.

You really do need to sense check answers!

- Gary Romano

An excellent point.

Because ChatGPT is a language engine it can have some surprising blind spots when the task isn’t language.

This includes maths - but also, the following infamous prompt still gives a wrong answer (give it a go yourself!):

This is where “GPTs” can help.

In ChatGPT you’ll see a link to “Explore GPTs”.

Think of these as little Apps (like the Apps on your phone) that are optimised to do a particular task well.

While there are many GPTs to explore, if you need ChatGPT to do anything involving maths, we highly recommend trying one called "Wolfram”.

Why this matters

ChatGPT is great at tasks involving language, but sometimes other powers are required. This is where GPTs can help you save even more time.

Questions? Suggestions? Just hit reply.

Jeremy & Jamie
Mosaic Partners

p.s. this newsletter was written by humans.. with light AI support in places :)


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